sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2022

In the starry lair

Written within.

Calling afar.

Unspoken. Unending.

Laying again, facing the stars. A thousand spears thrusting. An illusionary impalemant that always feels so real. I've thicken my skin for ages. I've  gained love and i've lost so little. I've gotten to enjoy the road, to find places to call my own. I've met enough stars to form constelations. Stars the seek me, as much as I seek them. And still, I'm afraid of the light as much as I am of the dark. Never showing too much. Always escaping. Ever under a mask, a cover or a cloak. Smiling. Nodding. Silent. I thought I had leart enough on the road. I thought it was okay, laying in the dark with my little precious stars. I was above the others. Better and self-sufficient. 

But the ceiling broke, new stars shining again. It felt so good to soar into the light. But everytime I fly (every single time), those damned spear pin me down again into the cold ground. 

Laying again.

Facing the stars.

Unable to move. Unable to try.  

miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2022


  At journey's end... Galaxies past... Promise fulfilled. 

Our souls had clashed. Blood spilled. Every ounce of our existance poured into our very fists. I could feel your reasons. You burned them into my skin. With passion. Friend or foe, mattered not. For once I could see my reflection into your eyes. For once it didn't disgust me. A smile of fulfillement. Of pure joy. Of relief. Exhausting all my lasting strength. For you only. Without hatred, because it was never a emotion suiting myself. It was never an emotion you deserved. 

I drowned into your eyes, living for mere seconds entire lifes at your side. As enemies. As allies. As lovers. Not always on the same side, but always clashing. Intertwining. Destined to meet and feel the fire of your skin. So fleeting. Never enough. 

Why did destiny decide to play with us on opposite sides of the playfield? Had I met you before... Had you been there with me... Would I be a different person? Someone deserving of being called friend? Stealing a piece of your heart not by violence, fear nor schemes. Claiming a place by your side by respect. By... affection. 


By... love.

Nay. I was never shown any of those. I never knew any other way. Even now, I'm claiming my reward using the path of war. Of violence. Aimed to please you, yes. But not any different than my past feats. However, I must thank your friends. Hadn't I followed those two counsels we wouldn't be here right now. Maybe, you wouldn't be anywhere at all.  

So it ended. With our bodies laying. Our eyes pointing to the cosmos. Our flames reduced to mere candles. I spoke... and you replied. Never on the same page, even after all. You were called. You always had your people. I tried to find myself again in your eyes reflection. One last journey together, to the stories that could've been. But, deep down, I knew I didn't deserve that last supper.


You looked at me. Our eyes crossed one last time. But you banished. Not a single word was spoken. There wasn't a farewell. But you gifted me one last sight. The biggest of curses. I was empty, ready to melt and disappear together with this unreal scenery. But you had to look at me. You had to light the tiniest of hopes. Of facing you again. Friends or foes, matters not. I need to know what lies behind those sad eyes. I need to know where our story is leading us. Because now I know this is not the end. My shadow will follow, wherever you go. And I... I cannot stop here. I cannot lie in this sea of stars for longer. 

I will get to your side again.

Through the cosmos, stars and reflections.

I will get my answer. 

sábado, 13 de agosto de 2022

Ink in a Jar

 Atraviesa. Duele y sangra. 

Oprime. Revuelve. Me hunde.

Surrounded by shadows. I'm a shadow myself. Music and laughs. Smiling faces. Reflections and shards of emotions. Lips moving in a soundless dance. Solitude within the crowd. Sitting on a pale throne of void.

Carried by a fleeting feeling. A small hope. Always trying to sail out. To see what outer shores may offer. Crashing. Sinking. Cursing my fleeble feelings. My unending hope.

I escape on the tiniest of boats. Rowing with fear. With disgust and regret. Pouring this memories in a jar. Inside a coffer. Just to sink it. To bury it deep down. To have it never opened. 

But suddenly, something builds inside. The irony. The regret of the regret. A new fleeting feeling. A small hope. I open the coffer and take out the jar. Black and thick, transformed in ink. Finding strength to write and draw a scenery of my mind. Black over void. Stars and holes. Pits of remorse and mountains of joy. Good paired with evil. Dispair dancing with hope.

Duele y sangra. Pero cura.

Me hunde hasta nuevas superficies.

Fallas siempre para mejorar.

Cementas con lo malo tus nuevos caminos.

martes, 26 de julio de 2022

C for Chicken

So I fell. Clouds embracing me. The last part of that sky that would. 

We cherish the most what we don't have, that's for sure. When I was a child, I'd look up in the sky, imagining myself soaring above everything. Alone. Free. Enjoying the sole privilege of being far from any problems. Far from any threats. I had a family, yes. I had peace and love. But that was for granted. That was a safety that my childish heart couln't appreciate yet. Maybe it was the accursed shiny blood in my veins, telling me I deserved better. I deserved to be above all of that. Golden palaces under a seemingly endless sunlight. 

And one day... One day that always feels too soon... I was there. Golden palaces under a seemingly endless sunlight. Wings to fly above everything. Above my friends. Above any peace and love. We sure cherish the most what we have lost. So I started looking to the ground. Sneaking the always vigilant sight of Justice, to satisfy my earthly desires. To find out what I really wanted. Where I really wanted to be.

Of course that couldn't last forever. That was not the way of us. Not the way of them. We were supposed to mantain order without interfering. Never to be seen. The silent Damocles Sword above humanity. So I was punished. "Like mother, like daughter". Stripped of my wings. Of my pride. Of my mission. My duty. My burden. 

And so I fell. Looking once again up in the sky. Wondering once again If i was right or wrong. An empty question, because any answer would ever matter. After years of diving into the sky, just to rise again, this was feeling odd. Like chains restraining my wings. A prison of freedom. A really high price for my indolence. 

I finally landed. No wounds on the body. Too many scars on the soul. Alone. Lost. My eyes still fixed on a sky that wasn't mine no longer. Not even realizing the stench of the garbage I had landed on. Not even realizing the noisy screams of talking bird of some sorts. Not even getting a glimpse of the silver hair that, one day, would become my new sky.

miércoles, 20 de julio de 2022

The first step

 Sencillo y preciso. Despacio. Con mucho cuidado. Sin prisa. Tranquilamente avanzando. A fuego lento. Con cariño. Con dedicación. Dejando que el tiempo haga su magia. Atendiendo cada detalle. Con constancia. 





martes, 19 de julio de 2022

A new dreamstroke

Saltas entre sueños. Cruzas vidas, momentos, recuerdos y sentimientos. Ríes, lloras, añoras... Saltas hacia el cielo e intentas volar por el vacío de una fantasía todavía en construcción. Sonidos de tormenta. Conciencia de lucidez. El final se acerca. Te rehúsas y peleas contra la onírica gravedad. Caes sin remedio. Lentamente. Te hundes entre las vacuas nubes. En el océano del inconsciente. Chocas contra el abismo surrealista de las tres mentes de tu interior.

Despiertas. Sueño de un sueño. Lienzo de un mundo que no riges. Un lienzo complejo, empezado por muchos artistas, continuado por muchos menos. Trazos que comenzaron hace muchos años. Estilos juveniles. Inexpertos. Manchas y pegotes fallidos que motean una imagen que no parece encajar.  Sin embargo, no hay duda de que forman parte del todo. Son imprescindibles. Terminan (de eso no hay duda) y se interrumpen para dar paso a formas y colores de otra autoría. Pero ellos son el cuadro, tanto como todos los demás. 
Te miras en el espejo, cansado. Sin ganas de crear, de construir. Sabes qué es lo que te llena de fuerzas. Dejar pinceladas en los lienzos ajenos. En el lienzo del mundo. Compartir los colores de tu ser. Reconocer tus trazos. ¿Hace cuánto que no lo intentas? ¿Cuándo fue tu última pincelada? No sabes la respuesta. El tiempo no se detiene. Los lienzos que manchan y oxidan por el simple hecho de vivir. Por el simple motivo de caminar. Por la simple razón de saber más y querer intentar menos. 
Pero hoy es distinto. Hoy tus manos tiemblan con el deseo de hacer nacer nuevos mundos. De dar voz y forma a pensamientos inconexos. A sentimientos vacíos. A palabras que se creían olvidadas y facetas perdidas. Hoy quieres crear algo nuevo. Quieres abrir unos botes de pintura seca. Hidratar. Revitalizar. Coger tus pinceles gastados abiertos y mellados. Empezar trazos con colores nuevos. Colores vivos. 

Construyes nuevos sueños. Plasma vidas, momentos, recuerdos y sentimientos. Reirás, llorarás y siempre añorarás. Vamos a saltar hacia el cielo, aunque no podamos volar. Sin miedo a la tormenta. Lúcidos. No importa el final. Caminaremos y sembraremos a nuestro paso. Cayendo y levantándonos. Hundiéndonos en la cama cada noche. Soñando sueños que compartir. Preparando lienzos que pintar.